Banks in India must have a modern approach, suggests a panel comprising of banking bigwigs.
'2016 was the age of convenience for Hindi movies; of down pat effrontery and planned feeling triumphing over attempts to discern something complexly beautiful,' says Sreehari Nair.
It is not inconceivable that elections in India can be fought by a party maintaining a distinct regional identity in state elections while merging to fight on a common symbol in the national elections, says Shashi Shekhar
'We look and say their life is so tragic.' 'But there are hundreds of millions of people in these circumstances and what can they do but to carry on.'
The real estate business thrives on creating excess spaces beyond the permitted building codes, short-changing the buyer, and even opting for poorer quality of material. This finds an enthusiastic resonance among the officialdom. Flouting rules is part of the business model, says Mahesh Vijapurkar.
'The Kopardi rape/murder was the immediate cause of the unrest.' 'However, there is a feeling of isolation and anger that has been simmering within the Maratha community.' 'The protests gave Marathas a sense of belonging.' 'They felt they have a stake in the protests and the issues being raised.' 'As for the future, let us see what happens.' 'All I can say is it will not stop here.'
While the Congress leadership will undertake the mandatory introspection exercise to pinpoint the reasons for the debacle, Anita Katyal offers five factors which led to the humiliating rout.
Slym doesn't face such an epic challenge - after all, his company is profitable, has a trustworthy brand, deep pockets and a vast distribution.
"The ruins in Bhopal have no parallel in the world. The locals seem obsessed with the idea of razing old structures to make way for commercial complexes."
'The general idea is to unite all the anti-Modi parties into an alliance, to dent the PM's image as a vote-winner, and then stymie him in Parliament -- particularly in the Rajya Sabha -- in order to ruin his credentials as a reformer,' says T V R Shenoy.
'It is astonishing how many Indian politicians have been convicted of sexual assault and of various types of crimes against women.' Ricken Patel, founder of the world's largest online activist site Avaaz, on his work in India and how technology is revolutionising the fight for a more just world.'s P Rajendran reports from New York.
We look at the not-so-common career in typography and what it entails in the advertising domain.
'Small bands of terrorists believe they can destabilise superpowers if they are ready to become martyrs.' 'Since the road to paradise is under the shade of swords, it is a win-win situation for those ready to die for the cause of Allah.'
Even though Nepa, composed entirely of specialists, is envisaged as a statutory body free of the control of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, critics say this will not bring about a fundamental change in the way projects are assessed and cleared.
Forests Jairam Ramesh's ambitious plan to redesign the institutions of environmental governance has come up against serious resistance from environmental experts who say the concept does not address fundamental problems.
The architectural gem by the same name built by a Begum of Bhopal in 1874 is in ruins and in danger of being erased from the heritage map of Madhya Pradesh.
The latest GOP sex scandal, however, has more immediate resonance for the Indian American community. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is among the biggest backers of Namrata 'Nikki' Randhawa Haley, the three-term Representative from Lexington who recently announced her intention to contest for Governor at the end of Sanford's term.
Agneepath is less of a remake, more of a tribute, writes Sukanya Verma
The Supreme Court's directives embody an inclusive package that can play an instrumental role in transforming the police. First by following the directives, and then persuading Congress-ruled states to follow suit, the Union government must set the ball rolling on police reforms, says Devyani Srivastava.
'In the first meeting of this new year, we took a joint new year resolution that we will complete it this year. At the time things were not very clear, but the mood was clear that yes, we must resolve it.' 'Yes, details have to come out, but there are some sensitivities, there are some stake-holders not yet on board, especially other Naga undergrounds etc, we would like them to come on board... So at a proper time it has to be revealed to the country, and to the legislature. Perhaps, we may have to wait for some more time.' 'With better understanding of the Indian system, many of them have learnt, realised, appreciated that Naga nationalist aspirations can be accommodated in the Indian system. The Indian system is pretty comprehensive and flexible.' 'A Naga has as much stake, claim over India as any other Indian. There is no distinction. This, Nagas have realised, that yes, Naga nationalist aspirations and Indian nationalism are not mutually exclusive.' Ravindra Narayan Ravi, the Government of India's Special Interlocutor for the Naga talks, explains how the Naga Peace Accord was reached in an exclusive interview to Saisuresh Sivaswamy/
Here's how India's most successful film star goes about his work.
Arthur J Pais interviews 18-year-old American student William J Oppenheim III, who, along with a few friends, has established the Omprakash Foundation, which links for-free volunteer teachers with more than 100 grassroots educational projects in 26 countries.
'...But my strong suit will not be dancing,' Kal Penn tells Vaihayasi Pande Daniel/, in the concluding part of the interview.
Terrorism in India over the past half century has not crystallised around one central motivating ideology - it has by no means been uniquely Islamist.
The Prime Minister should focus his energies now on reforming higher education.
'Every slide in the power point presentation had a graph with years like 2006, 2008, 2010 on the X axis... Most lines seemed to lie inert horizontally and many seemed to dip despondently, except the red line for China which seemed to rise triumphantly in each slide...' B S Prakash attends the World Economic Forum's Latin American version.
James Cameron, the man who made Aliens and Terminator 2, clearly can still choreograph action better than anyone else in the world.
The global jihadi network is under pressure but it needs a long-term strategy to keep it in control, writes Brigadier S K Chatterji (retd).
Bheja Fry 2 producer Mukul Deora talks about his film.
Here are some tried and tested methods to reduce the ambiguity in three specific question types.
If the endeavour that was flagged off in Udaipur flourishes and diverse energies combine to refine the lens of Trusteeship, 'growth' itself could be redefined. Then 'inclusion' will be an inherent rather than a separate goal, says Rajni Bakshi.
That the political philosophy of Anna Hazare closely resonates with the overall anti-democratic Hindutva ethos owes, in part, to the Brahminical worldview that they share, says Yogi Sikand
Samanth Subramanian author of Following Fish shares with us his experiences of travelling across the nine Indian coastal states and swallowing live fish in Hyderabad.